Learning Environment
We provide a rich environment with curriculum that is developmentally appropriate to the specific ages in each classroom. We have a structured routine that we believe children thrive in. We strongly believe that learning happens through play. Learning and exploring are hands on and are facilitated through interest areas. Our program is designed to focus on building social emotional skills, language and literacy, physical development, creativity, science, math, and more!! We encourage openness to that which is different from us and the ability to work and play with others. Please remember that children at Jubilee like to get creative and might get a bit messy at times. We use washable glue, paint, and markers.
Outdoor Play and Walks
We go outside to the playground every day unless the weather does not cooperate. Please make sure that your child has appropriate footwear and outerwear for the weather. Sometimes, the classes go on nature walks. Infants and toddlers will go for walks in the stroller. We will not go outside when the temp is over 90 degrees or below 32 degrees. Staff work hard to supervise children while outside to prevent injury. During the summer months, please provide sunscreen for your child. All children must go outside with their class. If they are too sick to participate in outdoor activities, they will need to stay home from school.
Transition During the Day
Your child’s transition should be a positive and exciting learning adventure. We will work with you and your child to ensure that the smoothest possible transition occurs as new routines are introduced.
Transition from Home to School
In order to prepare for the most successful transition into the classroom every day we recommend that your child eats a healthy breakfast and receives 9-11hrs of sleep each night. Talk about their teachers and friends on their way to school, and don’t forget a really big hug and kiss before you hand them off. Separation anxiety can occur allthe way to age 5, however, is much more typical between the ages of 12mos and 24mos. We hope you are confident that it only lasts for a minute or 2 (sometimes less!) If you ever feel uncertain, please talk with us!!
Moving Up to a New Classroom
Children are transitioned to the next classroom based on age, developmental readiness, state licensing requirements, and space availability. We generally move children up twice a year (August and January)
Screen Time
Our typical daily routine does not include screen time. Sometimes, our older children may use occasional video clips to support the curriculum during circle time. On Fridays, the children get a short educational video as a part of our Fun Fridays!!
Celebration and awareness of all cultures is vital at a young age because it sets goals and promotes respect for all people and the environment we live in. We utilize a wide range of activities and materials to teach our children respect for our world and the diversity of life upon it.
Families are encouraged to share their cultural holidays or anything they would like for us to include with their child’s class and staff. We believe that by doing so, our children experience a better understanding of and respect for different cultures and lifestyles.
Rest time/naps
Infants sleep according to their own schedule and are put to sleep on their backs. Blankets and toys are not permitted. Pacifiers are allowed in cribs w/o clips.After lunch, all children participate in a quiet rest time. Children are not required to sleep, however, the must remain on their cots and sleep is encouraged. After 45 minutes, if your child is not asleep and is restless, a quiet activity will be provided on their cot.
Potty Training
The most important thing in making potty training successful and as low stress as possible is a family/teacher partnership that supports the child. We are committed to working with you to make sure this process is carried out in a way that makes your child successful. Children are required to be potty trained before moving up to the preschool room.